Neurofibroma plexiformes (encapsulated) D36.1

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 10.05.2024

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Neurom; Neurom tendril neurom; plexiformes; plexiform neurofibroma; Schwannom; tendril novelty

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Pathological-anatomical term used inconsistently today for a neurogenic tumor with a particular histomorphological substrate.

The plexiform neurofibroma has a pathognomic significance for Recklinghausen's disease.

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Children of both sexes

Clinical features
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Non-uniform clinical picture with elongated dermal or subcutaneous nodules.

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  1. Acar S et al. (2022) Plexiform neurofibroma: shedding light on the investigational agents in clinical trials. Expert Opin Investig Drugs 31:31-40.
  2. Altmeyer P, Merkel KH (1981) Multiple systematized neuromas of the skin and mucosa. Dermatology 32: 240-244
  3. Souaid JP et al. (2003) Intraparotid facial nerve solitary plexiform neurofibroma: a first paediatric case report. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 67: 1113-1115

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Neurom tendril neurom; Schwannom;


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Last updated on: 10.05.2024